
Shcooly for Life

Who are we and how did the school website come about?

Education Projects
Registered Parents
Site Members

"The purpose of education should be: people who excel at independence - in thought and deed - yet see service for the common good as their main life mission.”

Albert Einstein

What is the purpose of the site?

The website was set up to help parents and teachers connect, initiate and establish home classrooms, shared by regions and localities in the country, age range and range of study subjects.

In addition, the site allows existing education projects to advertise themselves and allow parents and teachers to join existing education systems according to the educational and employment needs of all members of the site.

The Schooly team wishes everyone a prosperous good school year.

Who are we?

In one sentence. People who care.

And by extension, We are a group of activists who spend several months working and building solutions for a community that wants to create a better world here and help connect people, groups and blessed projects. The systems are designed to be used by members to connect, work and collaborate in all areas and to create real, quality content in the lives of all members of the community wherever they are.

We see doing this as a mission, and believe that these sites will help their members grow, grow stronger and benefit from each other's partnership and faith along the way.

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